Tuesday 29 August 2017

Tone Up Your Tummy

Tone Up Your Tummy
       Want to improve your posture, say goodbye to back pain and have a decent belly in sexy little ostentation? Now work on your abs!

    Strong abdominal muscles mean better support for your body, your big posture and a flat stomach.

Crisis : 

         Place your hands on your temples or thighs (placing them in the temples makes the exercise more difficult, as they are also lifting the weight of the arms), chin down. Slowly roll the spine on behalf of two, give your stomach muscles a good stamping and then lower for both counters. "Do not let your head rest on the mat when it falls down because it presses the neck," says a fitness expert. Now add a touch to the exercise to work the oblique muscles as well. Make the base, crunch before tightening, turn left or right, return to the center position, lower and repeat fatigue. Breathe en route up and down.


          This also improves posture and relieves lower back pain.

  • Level 1 : Lie on your forehead, with elbows on the ground under your shoulders and forearms on the floor. Lift your knees, push your stomach, stretch and hold. The neck, spine and hips should be aligned. Wait for five seconds. Add five seconds at a time, up to 90 seconds.

  • Level 2 : this time, standing on your toes. Start a zero and count until you can no longer hold it. Wait five more seconds next time. This is the most important abs exercise. If you sit all day, your transverse abdomen will be weak as you do not work as much as you should.


           Lie on your forehead with the level of your elbows with your shoulders and perpendicular to your body. Keeping your elbows touch the ground, lift the upper half of his body crushed slowly to a two count and then down for two. Exhale as you climb and enter the way back.

           There is no resistance in this exercise, so try to do 10 reps at first. If it's difficult, count how much you can do and try adding more each time.


           Put on your back with your arms on your sides, your legs up, your ankles crossed. Lift your bottom from the ground and lower it again. The important thing here is to push the pelvis out of the ground and not pull the spine. Keep your back flat on the floor. Men find this exercise almost impossible - and certainly very painful so if you want to have one on your fillet you could always challenge it to a contest!

Understanding Your Abs.

It takes three muscle groups:

  • 1)   ABS TRANSVERSUS is a deep layer near the spine. These form a support corset around your body and give you that feeling of "flat stomach." They also improve posture.

  • 2)   THE OBLIGATIONS form a cross-linking around the middle section and are responsible for transforming it from one side to the other. If you are concerned about love handles, write them down.

  • 3)   The RECTI ABDOMINIS forms the top layer - which gives the illusion of a pack of six. A good abs routine covers all three groups.

Spend your abs exercises.

Be flexible.

         Never work your abs on an exercise that puts your legs in place - a machine that keeps them in place or putting your feet under a chair. You will be able to make more reps, but you are working your hip flexors instead of your abdominals.

Do it in a difficult way.

          Most gyms have mitered trainers (frames that help with abdominals), but these should only be used to learn the technique. When you cruelly and contract your abdominals, a muscle around the neck also contracts to protect the vertebrae of the neck. A coach takes this contraction, which makes the exercise easier. If you use it for a period of time, the abs become very strong and when you do sit-ups without the frame of your neck tiredness before ab muscles.


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