Thursday 24 August 2017

Hiking Is a Great Form of Exercise

Hiking Is a Great Form of Exercise
        Walking is a low-impact sport that means that when you take advantage of the benefits of exercise, you also have a minimum of stress and tension in your body's joints.

        There are several ways in which hiking can reduce the risk of many health problems ...


        Studies conducted by CDC have shown that exercise has reduced the possibility of heart problems, while those who do not exercise are twice as likely to have heart problems.

         Nearly 33 percent of Americans have high blood pressure. This is often referred to as the silent killer because symptoms are often not detected and can result in heart attacks, strokes and other serious problems. Exercise such as walking can greatly reduce blood pressure and reduce body weight to a normal level may reduce even promote.

         The number of people with diabetes has increased by almost 50% over the last 35 years. According to the Diabetes Institute, this is due to an increase in obesity rates and lack of exercise. People with type 1 diabetes (insulin dependent), walking can reduce the amount of insulin required. People with type 2 diabetes (who do not depend on insulin) can reverse the disease by walking and losing weight.

         Like all forms of exercise, hiking is one of the best ways to lose weight and is a method to stabilize cholesterol. On average, burn 100 calories for every mile you walk. Another way to see it is to know how fast you walk. They burn about 200 to 250 calories per hour if you walk at a speed of 2.5 miles per hour (which represents a 24-minute mile-on, you get from one place to another). You burn about 500 calories per hour if you walk at a speed of 4.5 miles per hour (which is just over 13 minutes of mile-a pace that many novice runners maintain).

        What activity do you need to get these incredible health benefits? Experts say that activating just 150 minutes a week - doing aerobic exercises at "moderate intensity" like moderate walks or quick walks - leads to most of these benefits (reducing the risk of colon and breast cancer Requires another hour per week). It's only 2½ hours a week. And you do not have to do everything right away. Kissing on a lunch hike on the hill near your office counts for your total as long as you are active for at least ten minutes.

        People who lose weight by hiking or walking maintain the loss and continue to lose, while those who lose through the diet tend to gain weight quickly.

        Walking is an exercise in weight. Simply walking with good posture, the muscles and bones are strengthened. The endorphins released by your body during foot training can boost your mood and keep you all day or night, keeping your brain as healthy as your body.


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