Monday 21 August 2017

Quality Exercise for Good Health

Quality Exercise for Good Health
"Take control of your health naturally"

            Is there a bad exercise?


     All exercise is good for your health, is not it? I recently discovered that this is not the case. There are several factors that determine what exercise is good for your particular health and what you are trying to achieve. Studies have repeatedly shown that high-strength training, such as running for an hour at a time, places tremendous stress on your heart. While the stress of a muscle generally makes it stronger, extremely high stress can have the opposite effect. When it comes to your heart muscle, this is probably not the result you want. High levels of oxidative stress and inflammation can cause damage to the heart tissue that results in a cardiac event.

Quality Vs. Amount

      The key to a quality exercise for good health is not measured by how much time you train, but by the quality of exercise you actually do. Our mindset is programmed to think that someone who moves for 1 hour gets a better workout than someone who does a 20-minute workout. However, a 20-minute workout that includes high-intensity and multi-level exercises, with proper recovery and stretching can provide as much or more.

Diversity and Intensity

      Functional exercises involve body training for activities carried out in everyday life. These include exercises such as squats, boards, lunges, knee pads, jumps and sitting. These integrate diversity and give you the dimensional training your body needs. When exercised in multiple planes (front and back, side-to-side and rotation), it allows you to direct muscles from all angles so as not to develop imbalances. Imbalances can promote injury. This also adds effectiveness to your workout by enabling high intensity interval training thus reducing the time needed to complete your workout.

Recovery and stretching

      Recovery time is as important as the training itself. High intensity workouts absolutely require a recovery time. As your intensity increases, you generally need to decrease the frequency of your workout to ensure that your body has time to repair and recover between sessions. For this reason, it is NOT recommended to do high intensity exercises more than three times a week. Excessive exercise can sabotage your fitness efforts. In case of over-exercise, your body will enter a high-stress response mode that will keep your cortisol levels high. Cortisol, also called "stress hormone", is secreted by the adrenal glands and involves insulin regulation, glucose level and inflammation control. A high cortisol will cause your body to store fat instead of building muscle. For this reason, it is important to listen to your body and get the important rest it takes to recover.

       It is also important not to overlook the importance of stretching at the beginning and at the end of each workout. Stretching works with your body's natural physiological composition to improve circulation and increase the elasticity of the muscle joints. Stretching also allows your body to repair itself and prepare for activity.


      Quality exercise for good health includes a multidimensional exercise of high intensity with appropriate stretching and down time.


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