Friday 18 August 2017

Earn Your Aerobics Point For Total Wellness

Earn Your Aerobics Point For Total Wellness
     Total well-being (TWB) is achieved through a combination of balanced aerobic (EA), positive (PEP) and emotional balance (EE) exercises. The Total Wellness Point (TWP) and TWB was developed by Dr. Kenneth Cooper "The Father of Aerobics" and his associates in the United States. Part I will consider aerobic exercise as a component of the TWP. By the end of 1960, Cooper had scientifically studied the five types of exercises, namely isometric, isotonic or isophasic, isokinetic, anaerobic and aerobic, and established the superiority of aerobics. The term aerobics was invented by him.

     Aerobic exercises require large amounts of oxygen for long periods of time and force the body to improve the oxygen delivery system. They are performed with the body in a stable state (chemical engineers know what that means).

     In the book of reading and in the course of a marathon, there is a regular breathing of air and exit. The difference is that the marathon runner's energy expenditure is 12 to 15 times the basic metabolic rate of the book reader.

     By reading a book, the rest of the heart and breathing rates do not work at a high level to make claims on the body while it is in the performance of the marathon.

     The response to high demand is called training effect and many positive physical changes accompany it. The most important are:

  • Increases total blood volume (so the body is better equipped to carry oxygen)
  • Increases lung capacity (vital capacity is related to longevity)
  • The heart becomes stronger, better supplied with blood (with each volume of traction pumping more blood)
  • The volume of the blow increases
  • HDL increases
  • Low TC / HDL
  • Reduced risk of arterial hardening.

      Dr. Cooper said that for longevity and health, one should gain 15 aerobic points per week and to increase the aerobic capacity by 35 points. These can be achieved by traveling two miles in 30 minutes three times a week or three miles in 45 minutes twice a week. However, it is not compulsory to run to earn points. Limit walking / walking at 12/15 miles per week unless you train for a marathon or for competitions. More exercise than this increases the risk or incidence of joint and bone injuries and less than that will not achieve the desired improvements.
Now the benefits of aerobic training are too well known, but include the aerobic point system developed by Cooper. The energy cost of each activity, especially walking and running, was experimentally determined by actual measurements.

      Walking a mile in 20 minutes in a running gear required an energy consumption of 3.4 calories per minute above the rest state. So walking a mile 20 minutes burned 68 calories. Running a mile in six minutes and 15 seconds, the fastest time in Cooper's search, the cost of energy was 16.6 calories per minute or 100 calories for the race.

      The distance traveled is the same in both cases, but the total energy expenditure per unit time is different for both activities. Between the extremes of 20 minutes and six minutes, there is a steady increase in caloric costs for walking and a gradual decrease in operating costs in calories. There is a threshold at which the energy expended to run slowly and walk fast tends to converge.


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