Friday 18 August 2017

Exercises and Workouts - The Truth About Cardio and Fat Loss

Exercises and Workouts - The Truth About Cardio and Fat Loss
    When it comes to designing a fitness fat loss program, many people are quickly on the run and immerse themselves in cardio exercises. They tend to think that this type of workout is a great way to increase your calorie intake so that they see results faster. And although there is no doubt, cardiovascular training will increase your caloric burn to some extent, how much is debatable.

Let's examine some points that revolve around the loss of cardio and fat you need to be aware of ...

1. Cardio and loss of muscle mass.

    With regard to cardiovascular training, one thing you need to be very careful about is the risk of loss of muscle mass which includes cardiovascular training. If you do too much cardiovascular workout, you risk not only losing body fat, but the same tissue that helps you stay lean in the long run.

    Stationary cardiovascular training poses the greatest risk here, so avoid doing a few hours a day per week.

2. Cardio-calorie adaptations.

    Next, you will also want to consider the calorie adaptations revealed when the cardiovascular workout is too high. Essentially, your body improves by doing what it does.

    At first, you can burn the number of calories "x" by performing your cardio session, but over time, your body can start burning fewer calories. That's why, with any cardio you do, it's important that you progress. Moving forward means working at a higher level or adding more strength when needed.

3. Cardio and appetite.

     Another point to keep in mind is cardio can increase your appetite. Essentially, you can do cardio, but suffer from more hunger, so, if that, it brings you to eat more, you just compensate the benefits of the cardio session.

     You will want to carefully monitor your appetite and eating habits when doing cardio to make sure this does not happen. Otherwise, all your hard work will have been for nothing.

4. The best type of cardio.

     Overall, what type of cardio do you need to do for an optimal loss of fat? The best type of cardio will be a high intensity interval training, and this should be done 1 to 3 times a week. You should not need much more cardio than this level to lose fat. If you feel that you are doing it, consider making adjustments to your diet instead. Most likely, some changes will serve you much better.

    Keep these four points in mind, so do not cause any damage to your body. But to finish with: strength training is a much better option to optimize the fat loss than cardio will ever be.

    Although managing type 2 diabetes can be very difficult, it is not a condition with which you do not have to live. Make simple changes to your daily routine: include exercise to reduce your blood sugar and your weight.


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