Friday 1 September 2017

Using Social Media for Weight Loss

Using Social Media for Weight Loss
            So you want to be healthy. It's awesome. I am here to help you. And if there's anything you've learned about how to be healthy, you need help getting there first and staying so consistently. He has compiled this book to help those looking to increase their fitness level, eat a little healthier, lose weight, feel better and make a lifestyle change. I think the best way to do this is to connect to others as well as connect.

        We are all looking for someone to motivate us, hold us accountable, tell us to go where we do not want to be and people will not judge us as we embark on this journey of health, well- Being and fitness (What I like to call, Live a healthy lifestyle). What better way to do this by connecting to online communities via social networks.

        Social media is a great way to connect with people who have similar ideas. People who are in the state they live in can encourage them and motivate them to achieve their goals. The best part about connecting with people through online communities is, it's FREE. Who does not like to have something for free? You will receive free advice, encouragement, motivations, recipes, suggested trainings and a community of people who will not judge you if you fall.

        This healthy lifestyle journey is a process and if you can connect with ideas that are looking for an easier journey. Being part of an online community can also help you find the right process for you. What a person can do to get where they are traveling may not be the same process that works for you. But a part of a community of opportunities to try different things that may or may not work. You find a process that works for you and this process helps you achieve your goals.

        Although you can travel this trip alone (you have to put the job, nobody can put it for you), it is not necessary to do it alone. You will need to be encouraged by others, people you can ask for advice, people who withdraw you when you have fallen and people have told you that "If I can do it, you can too." The only thing I like. Community Online Health and wellness before and after pictures. This shows all, if you can do it, you can also do the next person.

        Do not you want people to encourage you and say you do a great job? Everyone is what there is and gets the online community. But you must be willing to share your photos and create a collage of your progress. One that may be embarrassing at first, but, you must love yourself where you are so that a measure that goes through the process, others will see how much you love yourself. You have never been embarrassed to start because everyone has a starting point. Sometimes the best way to get this encouragement is to post startup images (which also contributes to accountability) or a photo after exercising to get the words of encouragement that we all hear.

       One of the hardest things to deal with in this healthy lifestyle changes your way of thinking. No one is free from negative thoughts about eating unhealthy foods - "I would like a cheeseburger" - or not wanting to work ("I prefer watching TV"). How to manage these thoughts will be the difference between success and abandonment.

       When you start thinking about things like "It's too early", "I can not get up," "I'll start tomorrow," "It does not work," "It's too difficult, Is at that time that you must start. Say it differently. When you think, "It's too early," you say, "Well, if I get up now and work, I can take a nap later."

       What I've found is that when people wait for work later in the day, if they usually work in the morning, they do not end up working later because they get too busy or too busy the end of the day. Sometimes you have to force yourself to stand up. I had to do this for many days, but once I'm on the move I'm ready to work.

       When it comes to eating healthy and negative thoughts, you have to be strong for yourself. There may be times when you give in to cravings, but this should not be all the time. You have to be able to say, "I will not eat [potato chips] today. I can wait to eat for my free meal. Another way to get through the negative thinking of eating unhealthy food is to always bring your own food no matter where you go.

# Here are 10 things to remember when it comes to thinking negatively :

  • 1)   Replace negative thinking with positive thinking.
  • 2)   The more you say something, the more you will believe and you will see it. If you always say, "I can not eat well," you'll start to believe it, you're going to stop eating healthily or not trying. But if you say "I can eat healthy food," and you say it all the time, you will start to believe it and do it.
  • 3)  Remove the negative people from your life. You have enough stress to try to change your own negative thoughts, without other people being negative around you. You need people around you to encourage you to continue your journey.
  • 4)   Find a support group. There are a lot of great groups out there, with people who motivate it and encourage you to move forward. There are groups on Meet Up, Facebook and many other social networking sites.
  • 5)   Remember: for every negative thought, there is a positive, so do not minimize the positive result.
  • 6)   Do not talk negatively about other people.
  • 7)   Do not do things and believe it. Sometimes we will do things that are not true about ourselves or our present situation. No matter what happens to you in life, look at the positive, but do not lie about reality.
  • 8)   Learn to love yourself regardless of your appearance. You are a work in progress and it will not happen overnight. If you love yourself, you will not be rid of it. Could you tell a child that they could not do something? No, you will encourage them to do their best. Why do not you treat yourself this way?
  • 9)   Make sure you have 7 to 8 hours of sleep. Insufficient sleep can encourage negativity. You end up "too tired" to train you, but you sit in bed for hours. This time, when you could have worked it, you were sitting on the couch watching the sad television.
  • 10)   Do not play the victim, or blame someone for what you know you should have done. It's your healthy life path, no one else. If you allow someone to withdraw you from your trip, it's not your fault, it's your fault. I like to say to people, "You make your own decisions and you have to live with the consequences of these decisions. Sometimes the consequences are good and sometimes they are bad, but they stem from the decision you made.

Social Media: Online Diet Tool :

          Everyone has their opinions on social networks - some people like it and others do not like it - but there are a number of great reasons to use social media, including your health. Joining a social media site, group, or application is a great opportunity for you to get free advice, trainings, tips, motivations and food ideas to help you on your journey.

          There are a number of social networking websites that you can join to help you in your weight loss journey. Here's what I personally recommend:
  • Fitocracy - Free / Paid (
  • Facebook - Free (
           For more information about each of these social networking sites, visit the website listed.
How can social media help me?

         There are different types of social media, which can help you in many different ways in your journey towards a healthy lifestyle.

         Some groups are a great way to get the support you need - you will have access to people who just start as you or have been where they are right now. But even those who are early may be looking for support, and you can also help them with your feedback. As some of you may know from experience, sometimes those around us - family, colleagues, children, friends - do not support or support what we want from our journey. Adherence to a group of like-minded people and the same goals can provide the extra support and motivation, even if those closest to us can not or are not willing to provide it.

         One thing you should always be able to get free advice. If you start or have worked for a while, you should feel comfortable asking questions about exercises and a healthy diet. If someone criticizes you, you should inform that person with the group administrator. If the administrator does not manage the situation, you can leave the group. But there is a lot to join, and one will suit you and your needs.

         Social media can also help you keep your journey moving, when you encounter a boredom or plateau, especially in your exercise routine. Specific groups that focus on running, weight lifting, Zumba or other dances, yoga, general fitness, vegan, vegetarian, low carbohydrate or other aspects of fitness or a healthy diet Can be useful to investigate new exercises or dining plans to incorporate into your trip. If you would like to start with a routine or to catch your current, you can see what people in these groups have been able to publish on their exercises or you can ask the group questions about what training members do for different parts of the body . Then you can choose and choose when people respond.

Support Groups :

         Online support groups are ideal to help you stay focused, committed and consistent in your healthy lifestyle. When you are looking for a support group, do your homework. Ask people you know, research groups in your area and related interests, and search for online groups and associates with gyms, centers, schools and even workplaces. The more you know the goals of a group and what they can offer you, the more successful you will be.

Training videos :

         There are a number of videos that you can use to work from the comfort of your own home. You can buy videos that you watch on TV, online or in stores. Examples of well-rated video shows include P90x, T25, Insanity, Taebo, Complete Pregnancy with Erin O'brien, Dance Inch, Zumba and Total Body Pilates. You can also work with videos on YouTube, which is free and has a lot of variety. If you do not know where to start, I'll give you some YouTube exercises I've been doing for a few years that I love.

         Tiffany Rothe has a YouTube channel called TiffanyRotheWorkouts. Tiffany Rothe Workouts is an effective and effective 10-minute routine that you can mix and combine to help you lose body fat, tighten your mound, reduce your waist and close your back and arms. If you subscribe, you may also be the first to get a new training! Not only have I seen great changes with my body, but they also have many other women.

         Here are some of her workouts: Fabulous Fat Burn Training, Waist Shrinking Abdomino Squeezing Workout and Sexy Body Body Workout. My personal favorite is the thin-sized training of 10 min.

         There are other channels that you can use for your workouts: FitnessBlender is for men and women. This channel offers free free training sessions that include body weight exercises, high intensity training, weight training, cardio, kettlebell, yoga, circuit training, low impact, stretching and more. Contains training videos for each level of fitness, from very beginner to incredibly advanced.

         The BeFit Channel offers high quality exercises Lionsgate BeFit will surely keep you looking and feeling your best. Remodeling your body, burning fat and sculpting lean muscles while working with fitness trainers like Jillian Michaels, Denise Austin, Jane Fonda, Billy Blanks Jr., Scott Herman, Samantha Clayton, Garrett Amerine, Rainbeau Mars, Bryan Tanaka , Sadie Nardini, Dr. Deepak Chopra, The Girls of Envy, Kym Johnson, Tara Stiles, and many more. Slide your waist and tug your arms, legs, abdominal, chest and ass straight from your living room for free.

          Cassey Ho offers a joyful and joyful pop culture approach to teaching yoga and fitness, ideal for a younger audience. Your work results can be found on Blogilates.

          SparkPeople videos have playlists ready to go for pregnancy workouts, bootcamps swimsuit, healthy cooking classes and more.

          Yogasync.TV has a huge library of yoga classes guided, if you can save 20 minutes three times a week, help you learn ancient art at home.

          Video has over 500 videos (with over 103,000,000 views) covering all aspects of exercise, weight loss, nutrition and healthy eating.

          Scott Herman Fitness. The Scott Herman Channel offers new routines and exercises every week with questions and answers, contests and vlog (video blogs).

          Sculpt your abs and burn fat Jillian Michaels Abs Six-Pack is a cardio workout burn fat 30 minutes sculpting your abdominals, arms and legs. The best part? There are instructions for beginners and more advanced exercises so that you can continue to strive for the full six weeks.

          Inspire yourself with a Bootcamp. Add start-up campaign exercises to your routine with BCx Bootcamp videos including jumps, kicks, bends and everything in between. From 4 to 15 minutes you can speed up your metabolism with a quickie in the morning or mix and combine for a longer workout. In addition, the words of encouragement from the sports coach Steve Pfiester will help you to charge.

         Turbulence Training was created by Craig Ballantyne. Your workout is designed for maximum fat loss and offers durable hardcore exercises on your chain. I prefer their routines to some of the most popular hardcore training channels because Ballantyne really knows her tricks and explains the "how" and "why" behind her selection of exercises well, which is very important for Safety when " These are high intensity routines. If you want to work hard and push yourself within your limits, watch your channel!

          Brittany MissFitBrit Ramsey. Learn the total conditioning of the body for daily use so that it becomes a healthy body and increases your motivation, confidence and encouragement to see new functional movement techniques. If you are tired of knee pain and lower back pain or other extremities, then MissFitBritt is here to help! Get ready with MissFitBritt and become a member of Rock Hard Boot Camps for all levels of fitness, come train with MissFitBritt for personal training programs and get MissFitBritt talking with your business or organization because it is also a speaker Motivation for health and well-being of life!

        TONIC focuses on yoga moves for anything and other training videos. Video duration changes from 10 minutes to less than one minute.

         Nicole Chaplin focuses on intense and specific workouts. Your videos are great for those who want to intensify their workouts. It focuses on everything from torque workouts to bootcamps. Your videos are less than three minutes. You can find it on Instagram.

         Sixpack Shortcuts focuses on the abs with trainer Mike Chang. It focuses on all things abs: from belly fat loss to gain muscle to build a stronger core. His videos are usually 15 minutes long

         You no longer have any excuse for not working. I have given you the choice of a series of free outings, from walking / jogging to using YouTube videos. You can pay for a coach or buy videos to make your work out. And of course you can also join a gym, but if you do, please, please buy books or magazines that show you what exercises to do and the right way to use When performed. I do not want you to hurt yourself while you work. Also, listen to your body. This means if you are too exhausted (not just lazy!) Please rest. If you have injuries, take care of your injury before exercising this area again. As you can see, I did not say, do not exercise unless you have to do it or your doctor told you to stop. I gave you several ways to start, pick one and start tomorrow. Now, what did you say, your excuse was still?

Healthy recipes :

# Scrambled Chicken Almonds :

Ingredients :
  • 2 boneless skinless chicken breasts (4 oz each), cooked and cut into cubes
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce
  • 1/4 cup low-sodium chicken stock
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger
  • 2 teaspoons of coconut oil
  • 1/4 cup roasted almonds
  • 1 cup broccoli flowers
  • 1 cup of snow peas; Cut in half
  • 1 cup mushrooms, sliced
  • 2 spring onions; Cut into pieces about 1 inch (2.5 cm) long
Directions :

  1)   Add soy sauce, broth, garlic and ginger.
  2)   Heat 1 teaspoon of coconut oil in a large wok or skillet over high heat
  3)   Add the almonds and stir until golden.
  4)   Remove and set aside.
  5)   Heat another teaspoon of coconut oil in the pan and add the broccoli, chickpeas, mushrooms and chives in the pan.
  6)   Stir-fry for about 5 minutes or until tender and crunchy.

# Banana, Nectarine, Green Pineapple Smoothie :

Ingredients :
  • 1 peeled banana
  • 1 nectarine
  • 1/2 cup chopped pineapple
  • Handful of spinach raw
Directions :

  1)   Add all the ingredients to the blender and blend at the top for 30 seconds or until the smoothie is creamy.
  2)   If you want more liquid, add more pineapple. Put the freezer to cool.

# Spicy Summer Vegetable Casserole :

Ingredients :
  • 1.5 lbs. (about two) courgettes, cut diagonally into half inch pieces
  • 1 pound (about two) sweet potatoes, unpeeled, cut diagonally into half inch pieces
  • 3/4 lb. (about two) beets, unpeeled, cut into half inch pieces
  • 1 onion, cut into 1/4 inch slices
  • 2 tablespoons. + 2 teaspoons. Extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 teaspoons. Balsamic vinegar 3/4 teaspoon. Sea salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon. Garam masala chili flakes, to taste
Directions :

  1)   Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.
  2)   Grease a large saucepan with 2 teaspoons. Olive oil.
  3)   Begin calming the vegetables, alternating between courgettes, sweet potatoes, beets and onion, starting from the outside and opening the way until you have an accordion pattern.
  4)   Sprinkle with 2 remaining tablespoons. olive oil. Sprinkle salt, garam masala and chili evenly on top. Cover with parchment, then flip. Bake for 30 minutes. Remove parchment and foil. Cook, uncovered, for another 30 minutes.
  5)   Serve warm, at room temperature, or in a cool condition.


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