Monday 4 September 2017

Top-Fight Advice On Getting The Most Out Of Your Limited Exercise Time - For Starters

Top-Fight Advice On Getting The Most Out Of Your Limited Exercise Time - For Starters
 It's like the old joke about quitting cigarettes: are you running an exercise program? The simplest thing in the world. He has done it 20 times already.

So why are you on a false start - and an accidental landing ?

         Perhaps because he did not follow this old boy-scout motto: get ready. Now, for twenty-one times, try again. You will do well if you get a maximum score on these six questions:

1. Are you clear on your reason for wanting to exercise?

         There are as many reasons for wanting to work because there are exercises themselves. Do you want to exercise to lose a tummy ... build muscles ... increase your energy levels ... take the annual fitness test of the company ... put 5 pounds .. take up the challenge of a sport in particular ... make new friends ... Tom Tom Cruise from his base?

          Depending on your goal, you will need or want to do a specific exercise, sport or prescribed diet. Therefore, a 30 minute quick walk three times a week can not train for the excellent speed and endurance of an athlete, but just burn the excess fat.

          However, if you are aiming for total health, you should know that there is not a single exercise that covers the entire ground - it gives you endurance (cardiovascular fitness), strength and flexibility. For example, yoga is ideal for improving flexibility, but will not get rid of love handles. Callisthenia brings gains in tranquility and strength, but it is usually less than an aerobic effect - the normal onset and stopping of calistenic movement is not long enough to improve cardiovascular fitness.

           Therefore, if you really want a complete physical form, it is better to train cross-trains, that is to combine the exercises: for example, fast walks and bodybuilding. Walking will burn calories and provide aerobic benefits; lifting weights generates muscle mass, keeps bone density and dramatically increases balance. Together, they bring benefits of optimal shape.

           A points consultant can advise you better on the training combo that will meet your needs.

2. Does your doctor agree?

          This is especially important if you have been as active as a tree file during the first 25 years of your life; if you have more than 40; if you are suffering from a chronic or debilitating illness (diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, epilepsy, Parkinson's disease), if you are taking medication; If you are anemic (your hemoglobin is low).

           It is unwise to dive headless into any exercise program without first knowing how fit or unfit. Today, sports medicine centers offer specific tests to assess your fitness. These include: body composition analysis that provides the ratio of body fat to lean body mass; Flexibility tests for back, shoulders, knees; Resistance test; Pulmonary Function Test; The stress test.

           Knowing your blood pressure, heart rate, and aerobic capacity (or the ability of your heart, lungs, and blood vessels to take and use oxygen to meet the requirements) .

            Many stores are established these days by the stress test that focuses on core functioning. The underlying concept of stress testing is that abnormalities of the heart that are not apparent at rest may be evident during physical labor. The test (which can be done with a treadmill, a two-step bicycle, or a stationary bike, among other methods) attempts to do two things: detect or confirm the presence or absence of heart disease and establish a safe level of heart disease. exercise for you.

           But its reliability is not guaranteed. A stress test does not necessarily detect heart disease, and "passing" a stress test is not a firm test that you do not have heart disease. The value of a stress test, at best, is to confirm a diagnosis already achieved by the more conventional method of a complete medical history. So, make sure that the fitness practitioner you are consulting takes your time on this.

3. Have you considered your personality type?

         If you are a gregarious extroverge, you will enjoy social opportunities in a gym class or golf sessions on the club grounds - and you are more likely to stay with a workout that you enjoy.

          If you have a strong competitive series, you will get a better kick from racquet games such as tennis, badminton or squash.

          If you're introverted, you'll probably enjoy activities you can do alone, such as exercising or jumping pedals.

          If your chosen activity conflicts with your temperament and personality, it is unlikely to stay there for long.

4. Have you considered logistics?

         If you want to walk, you must be familiar with the lie of the ground before you put on your sneakers: look for a uniform and uniform surface, which can be outside or inside. You should not struggle to make your way through difficult terrain, deteriorated pavements or a congested road.

          If you want to swim, you should have access to a pool with qualified instructors and rescuers, at a convenient distance from your home or office (depending on how you plan to organize it in your available time).

          You should also place in time - and possess the tilt - to pack, reach, change, shower, and then come back with a wet swimsuit.

5. Have you examined the clothing and accessories you will need?

          We do not mean, from the point of view of impressing the gym class with their snazzy tights - we mean the factors of protection and comfort.

          Exercise clothing should be loose and comfortable and adapted to weather conditions. Shorts and t-shirts are better options for running during the summer than costumes suits.

          When walking, jogging, jogging, jumping, you need a good pair of fitness shoes to cushion the impact on your joints.

          When swimming, wear a cap to minimize the amount of chlorine that comes in contact with your hair. The chlorine in the pools is a bit strong and can leave the hair dry, stiff and thick.

6. Have you been instructed in prudence?

          You should be aware, before you start, that most exercise injuries occur because exercises exceed their limits, or because they are thrown into a workout without warming up. Therefore, most injuries are preventable. (Exceptions are contact sports that are intrinsically damaging, such as football and boxing, where inflicting damage to your opponent is needed to win.)

          There are specific precautions for each sport and form of exercise, and you need to be aware of those that relate to the activity you plan to take. Many training sessions with exercise equipment should be conducted under supervision, especially in the initial stages, and should not attempt to initiate them without these tips.


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