Saturday 2 September 2017

Strength Training - How To Build Strength

          Everyone has different health and fitness goals. Some want to build muscles. Some want to lose stubborn stomach fat. Some want to run better. Some just want to improve in their sport.

Well guess what ?

  • Force training can help you achieve all of these goals :

        The popular notion of strength is one that can lift prodigious weights. But there is no singular definition of force because it is specific to what the person wants to achieve.

        But the goal of a strength training program remains the same: to help you progress and improve as you increase your ability to withstand increased resistance.

        A successful force training program should be built on a solid foundation.

  • For a base to remain strong, it must be supported by 4 robust and proven pillars :

  1.  Progressive resistance
  2. Progressive Overload
  3.  Nutrition
  4.  Rest and Recovery.
           Progressive resistance is the underlying principle of the construction of force. If you want to become stronger, you should periodically increase the amount of resistance applied to your muscle.

  • What if you have reached your limit ?

          If your progression has stagnated or hit a plateau, we move to progressive overhead. This is the principle that forces you to overcome the force plates by increasing the amount of resistance at specific points of glue or weak areas.

          A good example would be sprinters who use a heavy sledge or resistance bands to improve their time out blocks. Basketball players use Plyometrics to improve their second jump.

          The value of a good nutrition program can never be overestimated. Foods provide calories to feed your workouts and macronutrients to begin the recovery process. But you need to know what foods to eat and when.

          Finally, this will not strengthen if your body will not have enough time to rebuild damaged muscle tissue.

          If your exercises stimulate the fibers to create bigger and stronger muscles, rest and recovery create an environment that improves strength and induces muscle growth.

          A strength training program is an effective way to achieve overall health and fitness. This will help you create muscle, burn fat, improve strength and develop excellent conditioning.

          Before starting a weight training program, visit the popular exercise websites or hire a personal trainer to help you during the first 2-3 months of training because it is essential to use the right technique to avoid injury during your strength training program.


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