Friday 22 September 2017

Get Off Your Couch - Here's Why You Should Be Exercising Today

Get Off Your Couch - Here's Why You Should Be Exercising Today
 Why You Should Be Exercising Today.  

         For several years, doctors have recommended regular exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle for their patients. Although many patients take this on board and follow recommendations to a T, many are only trying to diet and lose weight without exercising.

         There is a common misconception among the general public that regular exercise does help to maintain a healthy heart and reduce body fat. But it's more than that. From the reduction of the cardiovascular risk factor to the maintenance of a healthy vital system and good memory, the benefits of exercise cover a number of different aspects of health.

         In this article we will explore the overall benefits of exercise throughout the body and why we feel that we stop procrastinating and start a good job today.

         No matter what your age, exercise has benefits ranging from childhood to the end up to age 65. There is a great deal of scientific evidence that exercise increases blood flow to various vital organs and structures in the body and may reduce the chances of developing heart disease, cancer, stroke and diabetes until 'At the half of it or in the middle!

         Not only that, but it can also reduce by nearly 30% the chances of early death. Many believe that exercise is the magic remedy we were looking for, but it's right in front of us all this time.

What are the advantages ?

1. Cardiovascular Benefits :

        Probably the most important of them. Regular exercise reduces the likelihood of developing a heart attack and stroke by more than 35%. As mentioned above, it can reduce the risk of early death by 30%. With regard to cardiovascular risk factors, exercise reduces the chances of developing type 2 diabetes by more than 50%.

2. Cancer reduction :

        The exercise reduced the chances of developing different forms of cancer. The incidence of breast cancer is reduced by 20%, while that of colon cancer is reduced by 50%.

3. Neurological Benefits :

        Exercise reduces the incidence of dementia and depression by 30%. High-intensity moderation exercise can cause what is popularly described as a "high" - a feeling of joy that makes one feel good. It is this exercise property that can make you addictive once you have it regularly.

4. Benefits in Elderly Patients :

         Regular exercise over several years can improve our balance and reduce the incidence of falls as we age. The reduction is close to 30%. In addition, the chances of developing osteoarthritis can be reduced by more than 80%, which means less pain as we age.

         Finally, exercise can help reduce the chances of developing a hip fracture by a fall of more than 65%, which is certainly significant and quite remarkable.

5. Maintains healthy skin :

         Exercise can help maintain excellent blood flow to the skin and can keep it healthy and shiny. Prevents premature aging of the skin, keeping the skin smoother and wrinkle free for longer.

6. Weight control :

         Obesity causes many negative health effects, including heart disease, arthritis, skin problems, diabetes and high blood pressure, to name but a few.

          Regular exercise of moderate intensity can help maintain a healthy body weight, eliminating any excess body fat and lean muscle building. This promotes blood flow to various vital structures, bringing the benefits described earlier in several vital systems.

7. Increase energy levels :

         One of the most common complaints we get from our patients is the lack of energy to do anything. Tiredness and fatigue seem to take their lives, making them lethargic and causing a lack of interest in exercise. It's a vicious circle.

         Fatigue means not exercising; no exercise means low levels of energy; low energy levels mean more fatigue.

8. Helps to sleep better :

         Sleep patterns can be changed for several reasons. If you try to fall asleep every night, exercise is the answer, not a pill to sleep. Night exercise can cause enough fatigue to help you fall asleep at night.

          However, it was not too late in the night, because the explosion of energy you experience can keep you awake for a while! It is recommended early in the morning or early evening.

          The exercise has several advantages, as you can see above. It can be as simple as getting off the couch and hitting the gym, or getting to the park for a quick ride. With other measures, this can help keep your heart attack fit.


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