Saturday 23 September 2017

Exercise Makes You Smarter

Exercise Makes You Smarter
Exercise Makes You Smarter.

        That is true! Exercise can increase your intelligence with the benefits of children through elders and maybe even during pregnancy.

        For years, the medical community has stressed the importance of exercise for children and adults. Most of us know that exercise affects physical development in children as it can help create strong muscles and bones and reduces the risk of obesity.

        Children who participate in fitness activities develop strength, flexibility and endurance. However, studies show that exercise is also important for your brain health. Children who participate in the regular aerobic exercise test are higher in IC tests, get better grades and have higher concentration and better memory. It can also protect against cognitive impairments in later life. Children also tend to have higher self-esteem, improved moods with less fluctuations in mood and better social skills.

        In addition, children who exercise have improved sleeping habits and develop healthy habits that can last until adulthood.

        The exercise will not only benefit your children, but also in the fresh air and the sun. Children need vitamin D which comes from spending time in natural light. In addition, studies have shown that children who play less need medications to treat hyperactivity or depression.

        The benefits of regular exercise continue in the hood for adults. It is especially important as we age, because it helps to combat the effects of aging. The benefits are similar to those of children, including strengthening the muscles, heart, lungs and bones. Exercise helps to improve memory, mood, energy levels and self-esteem. Exercise has also been shown to help fight cancer and obesity in adults.

Get Fit Like Family!

        Exercise can become a family activity! Document the types of activities that everyone enjoys and can do together. Some ideas for family practice include :
  1. Walk to the family. Make yourself fun by turning your car into a treasure hunt!
  2. Bike rides and rollerblading are fun!
  3. Participate in a team sport like basketball or football.
  4. Have a list of rainy day activities such as the family dance party.

Make fitness a family priority!

        It is important that exercise be a priority in your home. Be sure to set rules that include limits to the use of television, computer, and the Internet. Use a calendar or physical reminder, such as a graph / activity log, to track your family's efforts. Do not forget to entertain yourself on the way and make memories that will last a lifetime!


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