Saturday 23 September 2017

3 Ways to Exercise As a Family and Have Fun!

3 Ways to Exercise As a Family and Have Fun!
Exercise As a Family and Have Fun!

Here are some facts and figures that cause reflection ...

  1. On average, Americans sit 11 hours a day.
  2. 65% of Americans watch 2 hours or more of television every day. And,
  3. Sedentary lifestyles are responsible for about $ 24 billion in direct medical expenses.
                The number of Americans currently living in a sedentary lifestyle is increasing. The sedentary lifestyle that has been attributed to an increase in the following:
  • high blood pressure
  • cardiovascular illnesses,
  • certain types of cancer, and
  • obesity.

                The case for relaunching and integrating an active lifestyle is more important than ever.

                We have the joy of living, for the most part, in a country of abundance. When the food is anything but a reader or a phone call. We have modern facilities that allow us to be fed with information and entertaining at the same time. Just in the comfort of our homes. We have cable TV, radio, internet, smart phones and computers. As such, these things are not bad. However, it is the availability of these same amenities that can soothe us in a sedentary lifestyle.

                According to research, there are now millions of children, adolescents and adults who have embraced the sedentary lifestyle. They practice outdoor activities. Less and less sign up for team sports. Even less, they are engaged in a daily fitness routine.

So, what can we do about it?

Here are three "exercises" you can do as a family.

I have included the word "exercise" in the preceding paragraph for some reason.

A familiar routine considered not to be fun - that is, formal forms of exercise such as performance and weight lifting - will be well defeated outside the door.

There will be groans, moans of protest and tantrums. And I'm not just talking about children here.

Each session of family activity will be a difficult task of direct negotiations or bribes.

Sometimes it's easier to join them and try to convince them. The trick here is to find some things that kids and adults can do during the day. Things that do not necessarily resemble physical activity or exercise.

I have a list of three activities that may be just the thing to get a little - or a lot - of movement in the day.

1. Competition in video games based on activities :

                The technology is not serious. In this case, it can work for the whole family. Game consoles now incorporate technology that can track player movement. These games can include dances, adventures or virtual sports (for example, tennis). There is even a game that encourages the destruction of random fruits thrown into the virtual air. The player's hands become virtual swords that cut these fruits. These games are not only fun to play, but also encourage friendly competition. Believe me when I say it works to sweat.

2. Walk or go to the park or the local school :

                It's obvious. It is the lowest hanging fruit to make the family walk together. Incorporate scooters, skateboards and skates if you have them. Just not the electric variety.

3. Walks before or after dinner :

                Even if it's just a quick walk around the neighborhood before or after the family meal. Something to awaken a otherwise slow metabolism and make blood pass.
Benefits in an Active Family Lifestyle
The programming of a regular family exercise during the week is impressive for two reasons,

  • It allows the family to spend more quality time together. And,
  • It creates a positive association between health and exercise.

                The health benefits obtained from exercises and family activities can prevent health problems. Especially the problems that can arise at a later age.

Who knows :

                You can even experience something together that will last forever throughout life: fun.


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