Saturday 19 August 2017

Working Out During Your Period: Is It Safe?

Working Out During Your Period: Is It Safe?
   If you let your periods be the reason to avoid training you should think about Olympic swimmer Fu Yuanhui who did not allow the cycle to make it more difficult to participate in the 2016 Games or Kiran Gandhi who finished the London Marathon Of 26.2 miles during its periods, This also without a pad or pad. Relax freely with socks covered with blood. If they can, why not?


     Usually, women do not feel trained during menstruation due to cramps, heavy blood circulation and sleepless nights. During periods, each woman responds to hormonal changes in her own way, but one should not stop doing regular activities because of it. You should continue to train according to the capacity of your body (which is obviously different for each woman) and never let this month clog your fitness schedule.

Is it safe to work during periods?

      According to a famous celebrity fitness expert, Deanne Panday, it is good to do exercises (apart from certain positions of yoga and intense exercises, including abs exercises) during the periods. It can be uncomfortable due to the sensitivity of the abdomen, but doing gentle exercises will not hurt.

      Most women believe that using the gym or exercising can hurt during periods. The Indian actress (who is also a fitness lover) Tena Desae, totally disagrees and says she believes in crafts every day, including her periods. She believes that it is completely safe to do exercises because it releases endorphins in the body that helps to calm cramps and pain.

      On the other hand, gynecologists recommend light work jumps during periods, as this will keep you active and will have fewer cramps and flow will be controlled. This is because, during training and sweating, it illuminates the swelling of the stomach. The work helps to release endorphins that can boost your mood and help you get rid of discomfort. The work also helps reduce body temperature during periods and cause fatigue all the time.
If you are still not convinced that it is prudent to work for periods, think of mountaineers, who do not cancel their shipments just for periods.

When do you work during your cycle?

      Well, you can continue your exercise regimen for periods as you do on your regular days. However, during the first seven days, you can do walking, swimming and simple yoga postures to soothe the painful muscles. During your periods, you can skip cardio exercises, long distance and some yoga postures like handstand, head foot, scorpion laying and bow pose, as this can cause a swelling of the storm , Severe bleeding or fluid in the wrong direction. A delicate stretch will also be good as it will increase blood flow to your muscles and you will get relief from the stiffness of your legs and thighs due to muscle aches.


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