Monday 28 August 2017

CrossFit Training: What Is It and Who Is It For?

CrossFit Training: What Is It and Who Is It For?
          CrossFit Training is a philosophy and a series of gyms. To date, there are more than 10,000 gyms around the world who practice the CrossFit Training methodology. Many experts believe that CrossFit Training is one of the best methods to develop a lean body, toned and muscular.

           What is CrossFit? For which? How is it different from a gymnasium or a typical training?

The basic idea :

       CrossFit Training is a strengthening and conditioning program consisting primarily of a mixture of aerobic exercises, body weight exercises and Olympic weightlifting.

       The basic idea is that, instead of specializing in a specific physical activity, a person who is really fit should be able to do everything with his body. You do not just have to be a good rider, or simply be a good cyclist. The best way to train a body is not to do just one type of exercise over and over again. Instead, it's constantly testing and pushing the body in different ways.

       CrossFit Training uses all sorts of different training programs, from cardio to weight lifting to rowing, to skiing to mountain biking to fight training. The exercises are not followed by different groups of people. If you are overweight 50 pounds and have not exercised in the last decade, you would still do the same exercises as someone who just came out of the Marines last week. The difference is only in intensity. You will use less weight, less repetitions or less intense exercises, instead of different exercises.

Keep your muscles guessing :

       One of the biggest problems with standard workout routines is that they allow the muscles to get used to a specific movement. If you are still pressing and exercising rings, your body gets used to these exercises. They need less force to make the same movements, which reduces their profits. Instead, the best way to work in a muscle group is to use different exercises to solve this group. This prevents the muscle from guessing and force to use fully in all exercises.

  • Can you do a CrossFit training without going to a gym ?

         Absolutely. Although crossFit training gyms have developed around the world specifically to tackle this type of exercise approach, the reality is that these gyms are very expensive. In the Philadelphia area, for example, a CrossFit Training gym would take you around $ 140 a month, compared to the local gym 24 hours a day, which would cost you only $ 45 a month.

        The idea is to work your body to the fullest by using different exercises. If you want to set up your own fitness routines, look for a variety of exercises and do them yourself or with other coaches.

        Training in cross-training is one of the best ways to get in shape because of how you push your body and the variety of exercises. It's fun and rewarding at the same time, whether you choose to use a CrossFit Training gym or do it in your own home.


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