Sunday 20 August 2017

1 Weird Tip for an Instant Strength Increase at the Gym

1 Weird Tip for an Instant Strength Increase at the Gym
    Yes, the title of it might seem a bit "hype", but I promise it is not a stupid ride ... and does not include supplements, pills or powders before any workout.

     Today I will share with you a legitimate science-based technique that will allow you to instantly add about 5 to 10 pounds to all your major compound exercises in the gym, and squeeze one or more additional reps into your Small insulated lifts.

It's fairly simple and requires almost no effort to use.

Here, he is ...

     Now, whenever you perform a set of exercises, block your gaze at only one point in front of you and do not let your eyes wander or position your head to change.

     Pour ALL your intensity, motivation and motivation into this unique point of view as each representative advances, and keep it with all the attention until your set is over.

     How does it help to increase your strength and power in the gym?

     All this pertains to proprioception which is a process used by your central nervous system to give you an automatic sense of where all the different parts of your body are related to each other at some point.

     For example, if I asked him now to touch his left ear or his right elbow, he knew instantly where to move his hand to locate that part of the body without even thinking about it. This is something we take for granted, but without proprioception, it would not be possible.

Now here is the important thing to achieve when it comes to performing a given exercise in the gym ...

      Each time your eyes move or the position of your head changes, your body must "readjust" the proprioception to determine where all parts of your body are now.

      If you looked forward and turned completely to the left, the relative positioning of all the different parts of your body would instantly change. (This is why it becomes much more difficult to maintain balance if the eyes and head are constantly moving)

      Therefore, keeping your vision locked at a single point in front of you and not allowing your head to move when you lift and lower the weights, proprioception remains constant and should not be repeated continuously.

      This increases the overall efficiency in which the resistance can be moved, since your body can now place 100% of its emphasis on feeding simply weight up and down without these constant reinitializations in proprioception en route .

      The overwhelming majority of elevators in the gym are totally unaware of this, and if used properly, this technique should give an instant boost to their overall strength levels.

      Do not expect anything too crazy but an increase of 5 to 10 pounds in basic compound exercises is not uncommon with an additional representative or two in the smaller insulation lifts.

      Since muscle hypertrophy is all about progressively overloading your muscles with more and more resistance over time, the instant stimulation that this technique provides definitely is worth it.


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