Sunday 3 September 2017

How To Find Time To Exercise

How To Find Time To Exercise
      One of the most common, if not the most common "excuse" for people not to practice is "I do not have time!".

"Statistically, people spend an hour a day on                      Facebook"  How long should you exercise?

        The Centers for Disease Control or CDC prescribes 30 minutes of exercise for 5 days per week.
But according to the American College of Sports Medicine, you should do the strength training 2-3 days a week. In fact, the amount of time you need for exercise will depend on your health and fitness goals. So finding time to exercise is reduced to 1 question :

  • How important is your health to you ?

While treating this thought, here are 10 ways to find time for exercise:

1. Wake up early, as mentioned Tim Cook of Apple wakes up at 5 am for the tape.

2. Reduce your time for social media and computer time and replace it with exercises.

3. Walk as much as possible in your daily routine; Bruce Lee used to park his car several blocks from his office so he could walk for at least 45 minutes back and forth.

4. Define objectives; mark the workouts of your calendar that will eventually result in the day you reach your goal.

5. Find an exercise mate; Make sure that he or she is someone who will encourage you to train and stay focused on your goals.

6. Set up a home gym; you do not need space for a yoga mat, a pair of kettlebells, a skipping rope, resistance bands and a Bosu ball.

7. Trust your resolution; Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg made a 2015 resolution to run 584 kilometers (365 miles) in 2016 and did so.

8. Use exercise as linking time; take an obstacle course with the family or attend an exercise class together. It's fun, healthy and will keep everyone who wants!

9. Transform tasks into training routines; set a 15-minute timer and see how much garden work you can do. You will be amazed at the possible intensity!

10. Reorganize your priorities; It's great to have the means to pay the bills. But what happens if these bills end like your medical bills? You have to work to live and not to live at work.

      These are just 10 tips to finding time for exercise. Of course, there are other, more creative ways.

          But remember, you do not need to exercise for an hour, even if only 10 minutes of high intensity exercise per day offers immense health benefits ! The most important thing is to go out and do it! Start today and build the habit.


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