Thursday 28 September 2017

Do Entrepreneurs Have To Choose Between Health Or Wealth?

Do Entrepreneurs Have To Choose Between Health Or Wealth?
Do Entrepreneurs Have To Choose Between Health Or Wealth?

        Call me greedy if you want, but I want both. We all know the struggles to maintain work and balance. If properly managed, both can feed. Fitness has been proven to help alleviate these problems. I have not always maintained that balance when the requirements of operating a business have become overwhelming. As a member of the US military and an entrepreneur who runs a marketing agency, I have learned a lot about discipline and motivation, which has helped me stay focused today. As a successful business owner, you already have these traits of discipline and motivation. It is about turning them into other positive habits.

         This may seem obvious, but it should be mentioned. Set reasonable goals. What are you trying to achieve? Knowing your goals will tell you how to proceed. Would you like to meet a partner? OK, you need lifting, cardio and diet change and you have to start yesterday. Did we want to relieve stress? OK, you can start walking or browsing your schedule. Do you want to relieve stress and have more energy? OK, you start with something fun and easy and add it as you improve. Knowing where to start will get you where you are going. Other goals to consider will be based on your fitness level. If you have never worked or you have worked long since you worked, my suggestion would be to start slowly and easily. When I was in the army, we ran or worked five times a week. At that time, he ran easily between seven and eight miles. I tell you that I will drop you considering the death of 20 years. I had set unrealistic goals for myself that almost destroyed my self-esteem and motivation. He devastated me that I could not even finish two miles without stopping. It seemed, at that moment, like a waste of time. It is good to define these small goals with the intention of raising them later. The feeling of accomplishment at the beginning will lead you to the next formation.

         Now that you have set your goals, it's time to write them down. Literally. It's time to leave your appointment and your work schedule. Yes, I understand that you are busy and have a business to perform. I understand. What is more important than your health? Hours of work as this is an important meeting with a new client. Before you know it, you'll be eager to work. What worked for me was the signing of an event. I like the courses of obstacles, but there are many things to choose from. I run three or four a year, as well as occasional 5k for a charity. When I know that I have something to come that I have already paid and planned, it motivates me to work. I know what I did last year, so I have time to win. Who better compete with you?

         There are many other tricks or techniques from a multitude of sources, but these can help everyone get started. This amounts to motivation and dedication. The only person who can make you go to the gym is you. If you show up, you are halfway. Even if you have a bad day or if you do not feel well, then it appears. A bad day at work is better than not working. Be safe and appear.

         This will sound harsh. If you do not make an effort to exercise and occupy yourself, then you are selfish. You are selfish with your family, friends, employees and neighbors. All these people in one way or another depend on you. Is there a reason for being selfish? Do it because you want to look good. Do it because you want to feel better. Do it yourself. Be selfish and appear.


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